Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It is a problem in any organization

when a subgroup uses the power of the organization rather than the power of persuasion  to control the members of the organization, i.e. to demand unwilling assent.

I feel a bit of the archaeologist here, observing (and joining) the tribe which has ruled my building.  They have grown close over years of feasting and I, (sadly for me) was the first to sign up and be stuck with the bill.  So I follow the rules and am admitted to the tribe of rulers.  We rulers, of course, are sworn  to follow only the interest of the group of shareholders.

What follows...

is the next meeting of the rulers, in which the wicked queen  lashes out  to 

America's Christian rulers once again starve children.

 Our governments vilest strategy, denying food and medicine to those ruled by those declared to be our enemy, e.g. Cuba, Afghanistan(Taliban), and Iran.

America, thy name is Hypocrisy.